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Job Description

Operational1.Research IT technologies collating, analyzing, and recommending solutions to addressbusiness problems and achieve goals2.Work collaboratively with business users to comprehend, analyze, and identify currentand future needs of their respective organizations3.Document current and future business goals and needs and assemble frameworks forresearching IT solutions to address needs over time4.Work directly with research analyst groups to leverage research in assigned areas andfurther investigate research findings to focus on addressing Dubai Customs needs5.Collaborate with IT architects, developers, and staff in understanding their currentenvironment and identifying deficiencies that should be addressed over the long term6.Construct reports on performance related to Balanced Score Card and other keymetrics deemed of interest by the head of the unit or section7.Assist in developing the SITP methodology

8.Assist in constructing a project porfolio in accordance with set methodology

9.Assess the impact of new projects and lead sequencing of projects to achieve the bestuse of Dubai Customs resources

10.Lead and assist in vendor selections completing required research for projects andparticipating on committees as necessary11.Assemble an IT roadmap that best addresses short and long term needs of DubaiCustoms based on the body of knowledge assembled from the different constituentsand business needs of the organization Refine and monitor the roadmap updating itwith relevant new research and approaches12.Report regularly on effectiveness of the SITP project portfolio frameworkrecommending tweaks and improvements along the way

Minimum Educational Requirements:Bachelor degree (computer science,computer engineering, electricalengineering)

Experience:Minimum of 7 years of experience in IT,with a minimum of 2 year in IT Strategy•Experience of working in a multi-culturaland customer facing environment