It Sector Senior Specialist

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Job Description

Job Description

Job Purpose

• The IT Sector Senior Specialist will report to the Head of the Smart & Government Services Section (S&GS) and will be responsible for coordinating with the sector’s ICT (Information and Communication Technology) team and company’s IT section to facilitate the company’s ICT (Information and Communication Technology) requirements with the sector.

• Additionally, the IT Sector Senior Specialist is responsible for ensuring seamless network connectivity between the company’s and sector (Operating & Licensed) companies to facilitate real-time data exchange with company’s business applications and compliance programs in a secure and compliant manner with Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA) information guidelines.

Job-specific Responsibilities

 •Review company’s business ICT requests pertaining to the sector and make recommendations to the head of the IT & Smart & Government Services section.

•Coordinate with the Department of Energy’s information technology team both internally and externally with the information technology teams of the relevant sector companies to implement the Department of Energy’s business requests.

 •Ensure that the implementation process is proceeding as planned and that all activities adhere to Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA) guidelines.

 •Coordinate with Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA) to determine whether the business ITC request can be fulfilled via the ADDA ADCONNECT platform via data sharing.

 •Follow-up on ADDA-mandated ICT implementations and report progress to the Smart & Government Services Section Head.

•Responsible for automating and supervising the retrieval of company’s dashboard data from sector companies in collaboration with company’s ICT and sector ICT teams.