Job Description
<p><strong>Qualifications</strong></p><p>1- Deep Knowledge of PHP programming language. </p><p>2- Experience with Drupal 7 , 8 and 9 and upgrading from old versions to latest. </p><p>3- Working with JavaScript; both within Drupal, and on its own.</p><p> 4- Experience with the migration of existing CMS content from/to Drupal via the Migrate module</p><p> 5- Experience building RESTful API.</p><p> 6- Experience creating sub theme. </p><p>7- String ability to Integrate with Web services (RESTful/JSON, SOAP services) </p><p>8- Familiar with GIT repositories.</p><p> 9- Familiar with DRUSH Command </p><p>10- Capable of building clean and labeled codes from scratch </p><p>11- Solid experience with Drupal modules, including feeds, Organic Groups, Open LDAP, Simple SAML, OAuth, Panels, Display Suite, or Context</p><p> 12- Familiar with Docker. * Capable of handling and supporting</p>