Job Description
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Data Strategy Expert-(H/F)
CDI| Casablanca| Banque de financement et d’investissement
Data Strategy Expert-(H/F)
Casablanca, Maroc CDI Banque de financement et d’investissement
Technical Skills:
5 – 10 years of relevant experience in Data Management Space
IT background is preferable
Design, build, integrate data from various resources.
Data management expertise in defining Metadata (Data Dictionary), Quality and Lineage for critical data elements.
Expertise in tools that are used in Data Analytics. (Advanced Excel, Power BI, Tableau)
Other skills:
Ability to work with diverse teams
Ability to work with the Excel, Tableau, SharePoint, and Power BI tool
Spoken Language fluency (for verbal communication with the necessary entities)
Strong analytical skills with Ability to work independently and multi-task.
Excellent organizational and time-management
Good interpersonal skills, responsiveness, ability to communicate in English & French (written/spoken)
Sense of service, flexibility
Efficiency, team spirit and ability to evolve in a fast and demanding work environment
SociĂ©tĂ© GĂ©nĂ©rale Africa Technologies and Services (SG ATS) is a subsidiary of SociĂ©tĂ© GĂ©nĂ©rale Group that was created in 2014 with a purpose of providing flexible and efficient solutions to the bank’s trading rooms in Europe (mainly in Paris and London). The overarching aim is to help them grow and meet the increasingly stringent requirements imposed by the various international banking legislations.
Building on its success thus far, SG ATS aims to become a multi-service center that provides high value-added services to the Group’s different business lines (mainly in Europe, but also in the United States and Asia). These concern Markets activities, but also Risk, Finance, and Compliance among other central functions.
Awarded “Best Place to Work in Morocco – 2023”, SG ATS is a young dynamic structure that places human capital at the center of its development and surrounds itself with talented people who actively participate in the success of the company while evolving in an international environment that favors the development of distinctive skills.
Capital Markets Surveillance (“CMS”) is a global function within the global Compliance Department (CPLE) with a mission to improve and maintain a strong compliance framework in partnership with all stakeholders, and with a view to execute the company’s strategy in line with its risk appetite, regulatory expectations, and industry best practices.
CMS has a specific mandate relating to monitoring and surveillance of market activities.
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