Job Description
<p><strong>APEX Developers</strong></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Apex developers are required with the following skills:</p><p><br></p><p>· 3+ Years experience migrating pages/Apps from dev/test/production Apex environments. </p><p>· Significant experience migration entire APEX applications to new environments </p><p>· Strong understanding of Oracle database structure and principles </p><p>· Knowledge of writing custom Authentication and Authorization security Schemas </p><p>· Knowledge of writing custom Plugins </p><p>· Knowledge of writing custom Themes </p><p>· 3+ Year experience Data Modeling </p><p>· 3+ Year experience Oracle SQL </p><p>· 3+ Year experience Oracle PL/SQL </p><p>· 3+ Year experience HTMLS </p><p>· 3+ Year experience HCSS </p><p>· 3+ Year experience JavaScript </p><p>· 3+ Year experience Elegant Web Design </p><p>· 3+ Year experience Oracle Database performance and tuning </p><p>· 3+ Year experience Rest Web API Development </p><p><br></p>