Job Description
<strong><u>Job Description</u></strong><p><br></p><strong>The Position:</strong><p><br></p>The interagency PSEA coordinator for Lebanon is responsible for coordinating and supporting the collective PSEA activities of organizations in Lebanon.<p><br></p>Under the overall supervision of <em>Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator</em> the PSEA Coordinator is responsible for coordinating and supporting the collective PSEA activities of organizations in Lebanon. The PSEA Coordinator will report directly to the HC/RC. The position is hosted within the OCHA office and administered by UNFPA.<p><br></p><strong><u>How You Can Make a Difference</u></strong><p><br></p>UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA’s strategic plan (2022-2025), reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA and focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. These results capture our strategic commitments on accelerating progress towards realizing the ICPD and SDGs in the Decade of Action leading up to 2030. Our strategic plan calls upon UN Member States, organizations and individuals to “build forward better”, while addressing the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, recover lost gains and realize our goals.<p><br></p>In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction.<p><br></p>UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.<p><br></p><strong><u>Job Purpose</u></strong><p><br></p>Lebanon is experiencing a constantly evolving multi-layered crisis which is exacerbating long term structural vulnerabilities, reversing previously made development gains, and leading to acute and increasingly visible humanitarian needs among the most vulnerable populations. Since 2019, the country has been going through a complex economic and financial crisis, further deepened by a political deadlock, a steady deterioration of social stability and systems, and additional internal and external shocks. The massive 2020 Beirut port explosions, the summer 2021 fuel crisis and the most recent cholera outbreak in the country highlighted the deeply rooted unfolding crisis as well as multiplied the needs. Global and regional developments, including the COVID-19 outbreak and more recently the impact of the Ukraine crisis and global economic deterioration, further impacted on the situation. Lebanon also continues to manage the spill-over from the Syrian crisis and hosts the largest number of refugees per-capita in the world. While Syrian communities continue to be largely welcomed, antagonistic sentiments and statements regarding refugees have been further increasing as the society struggles to adjust to the rapidly evolving context and the growing humanitarian needs among its residents. The capacity of the country to cope with all these overlapping shocks is expected to continue decreasing in the absence of the implementation of comprehensive long-term development plans and structural reforms<p><br></p>Several assessment, including multisectoral need assessments, indicated that SEA was a tangible concern among the women and girls interviewed among Lebanese, Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, and Migrants. The PSEA network comprising members from the UN, INGOs, and NGOs, initially established in 2013 and including donors and government representatives, implements collective approaches to prevent and respond to SEA. The PSEA network is chaired by the Inter-Agency PSEA Coordinate with two co-chairs annually rotated and the network receives secretariat support from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The In-Agency PSEA Network reports to both the UNCT and HCT, which serve as the steering committees and provide oversight, resources, and guidance to the Network to ensure the implementation of the collective PSEA Strategy and Action Plan. The Inter-Agency PSEA Coordinator reports directly to the RC/HC who has the ultimate accountability in the system towards PSEA.<p><br></p><strong><u>You Would Be Responsible For</u></strong><p><br></p><strong>Support the PSEA in-country program</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Support senior leadership in developing and implementing an in-country PSEA strategy</li><li>Support senior leadership to establish an inter-agency PSEA Network for technical coordination on PSEA, consisting of membership from [UN agencies; international, national, and local organizations; UN mission; and/or government bodies] operating in Lebanon.</li><li>Support the Network to carry out a joint PSEA risk assessment in Lebanon to inform senior leadership on strategic decision-making.</li><li>Support senior leadership in updating PSEA Network TORs and Action Plan, based upon the risk assessment.</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Coordinate the PSEA Network</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Coordinate and support the inter-agency PSEA Network in coordination with the Networkco-chairs in the fulfillment of its responsibilities under its PSEA Network TORs and Action Plan</li><li>Represent the PSEA Networking all relevant coordination bodies, including the UNCT/HCT, as well as the Intersect or working group and EOC- Emergency operation cell among others.</li><li>When the PSEA Coordinator is unavailable the Network will be overseen, supported, and represented by UN co-chairing organization </li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Strengthen PSEA within organizations</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>On request, provide expert guidance and technical support to Network members and other relevant entities operating in the context to strengthen their internal PSEA programs in line with good practice and standards.</li></ul><p><br></p><strong> Engage Stakeholders</strong><p><br></p><strong>Community engagement</strong><p><br></p><em>All activities to engage with the affected population should be planned and implemented in close coordination with Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and Communicating with Communities (CwC) actors </em><p><br></p><ul><li>As part of broader community engagement activities, support the Network to learn of community perspectives on behavior of aid workers and others working in aid delivery, and preferences in discussing sexual matters and receiving and sharing sensitive information to inform the Network’s outreach and activities</li><li>Support the Network to develop a collective communication strategy to raise awareness on key PSEA messages, including the rights of affected populations, the fact that assistance and services are never conditioned on sexual favors, and how to submit sensitive complaints</li><li>Ensure that the implementation of the PSEA Network Action Plan is informed by community participation, contextually and culturally appropriate, and based on the community’s needs</li></ul><p><br></p><em><strong>Sector</strong></em><strong> Coordination</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Engage and coordinate with sectors in Lebanon to ensure PSEA mainstreaming during planning, policy development, and programming</li><li>Represent the PSEA Network and update on relevant PSEA activities during Sector and intersectoral meetings</li><li>Report back to the PSEA Network on Sector developments and updates that may impact the PSEA Action Plan implementation</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Protection, GBV and Child Protection sub-sector </strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Collaborate with the Protection Sector, GBV sub-Sector Coordinator and Child Protection sub-Sector Coordinator to ensure a harmonized approach to prevention activities and support of victims/survivors, and that PSEA Network activities take a victims/survivor-centered approach supporting the rights of victims/survivors</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Government Actors</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Support senior leadership to develop a localized engagement strategy with the host government, including identified entry points in relevant ministries and stakeholders for outreach</li></ul><p><br></p><em><strong>UN Mission- UNIFIL </strong></em><p><br></p><ul><li>PSEA Network: Collaborate at the strategic and technical level to ensure harmonization of messages, avoid duplication of activities, and share trends and developments; [SR1] </li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Strengthen an Inter-agency Complaints Mechanism</strong><p><br></p>The PSEA Coordinator supports the PSEA Network members to e maintain an inter-agency community-based complaints mechanism (CBCM) by linking the Complaint and Feedback Mechanisms (CFMs) of Network members through agreedreferral pathways, establishing noncompliant channels where reporting gaps are identified, and capacity-building all persons that operate complaint channels on the inter-agency referral protocols. The Coordinator will advocate for the above understanding of a joint CBCM within the Network membership and beyond so that participation in the CBCM has the broadest scope possible.<p><br></p><strong>Ensure Stakeholder Engagement in the Design of the CBCM</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Assist Network members to consult and engage with all relevant stakeholders during the design of the CBCM in order to ensure support, high-level commitment, sustainability, and community trust and ownership in the CBCM</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>SOPs on Complaint Referral</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Support the Network to finalize Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on inter-agency complaint referral following the Global Standard Operating Procedures on Inter-Agency Cooperation in CBCMs, and appropriate for the local context</li><li>Support and advocate with senior leadership to finalize and endorse the Lebanon SOPs</li><li>Coordinate with Heads of Organizations and Sector leads to ensure the referral pathways are incorporated in PSEA trainings and understood by all actors in [Context]</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Entry Points for Reporting</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Work with the PSEA Network, the AAP/CwC Networks, GBV/CP service providers, Protection and other relevant actors to understand community preferences in reporting sensitive allegations</li><li>Support the PSEA and AAP Networks to map existing CFMs in Lebanon to identify where there are gaps in community access for reporting sensitive complaints</li><li>Based on CFM mapping and community preferences, support Network members to strengthen existing and/or establish new entry points to fill the gaps in reporting access so that there are safe, accessible, and contextually appropriate channels for any member of the community to report complaints of SEA</li><li>Where major gaps exist, in coordination with the PSEA/AAP Networks and on the endorsement of senior leadership, support establishment of a collective channel for complaints (e.g. a call center) with clear protocols on complaint intake and referral in line with the Lebanon SOPs</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Train Staff at Entry Points</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Support the PSEA Network to hold inter-agency trainings on good practices in SEA complaint intake and referral for PSEA Focal Points, Protection, GBV and Child Protection actors, and all actors staffing CFM channels, so that all actors who may receive SEA complaints know how to recognize SEA and where to send allegations in the joint CBCM</li><li>Support the Network to disseminate contact information of PSEA Focal Points amongst staff and the affected population, so that the entire aid community is aware of and can reach out to the formal reporting mechanism for each Network member</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Complaint and Assistance Referral Monitoring and Evaluation </strong><p><br></p>If the Coordinator receives an allegation directly, refer the allegation to the concerned organization, the survivor to available services based on survivor’s informed consent, and provide appropriate follow-up after referral, in accordance with the SOPs and best practice.<p><br></p><strong>Monitoring and Evaluation</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Keep aggregate, anonymized trends data as submitted by members and other actors in- country in order to capture SEA trends in Lebanon and support stakeholders to adjust programs</li><li>Coordinate in-country mapping of partners, and agreement on lead agency for PSEA assessment, implementation plan, and capacity development of shared partners</li></ul><p><br></p><strong> Victims’/Survivor-Centered Assistance </strong><p><br></p><em>In coordination with the Protection S</em>ector<em>, GBV and Child Protection sub-</em>Sectors:<p><br></p><ul><li>Mobilize the PSEA Network to assist in a mapping exercise of available services and gaps for health, legal, psychosocial, and material support</li><li>Ensure that the Lebanon SOPs on complaint referral incorporate Protection, GBV, and CP assistance referral pathways to provide immediate aid for complainants and victims/survivors</li><li>Assist the Network to train assistance service providers on PSEA-specific components in services</li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Accountability, including investigations</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Disseminate and share good practice standards on victim/survivor-centered investigations with PSEA Network members and external partners</li><li>Provide technical support and coordination to deliver training on PSEA guidelines and protocols for victim/survivor-centered investigations</li><li>Include good practice standards into the PSEA Network practices on ensuring that SEA victims/survivors are informed and/or supported in relation to investigations and accountability processes</li><li>Provide technical support, as needed, for child and gender-sensitive approaches to investigations and the integration of such standards within the PSEA Network membership</li></ul><p><br></p><strong><u>Promote Information Sharing</u></strong><p><br></p><strong>Proactive Outreach to External Partners </strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Proactively reach out to relevant entities that are not participating in the PSEA Network or the joint CBCM to ensure that they are aware of PSEA activities, and to foster linkages and information-sharing on PSEA </li></ul><p><br></p><strong>Recommendations to Senior Leadership and Support Bodies</strong><p><br></p><ul><li>Regularly report to senior leadership on developments and challenges in PSEA in-country to ensure continued engagement and address gaps in PSEA implementation</li><li>Collect and analyze inputs of PSEA Focal Points and other relevant colleagues, identify recurring issues and trends, and share recommendations with senior leadership with the aim of enhancing strategic and operational decision-making related to PSEA</li><li>Regularly update HCT/UNCT, regional and global bodies to ensure up-to-date understanding of PSEA activities in Lebanon</li></ul><p><br></p>Carry out any other duties as may be required by HC/RC and UNFPA leadership.<p><br></p><strong><u>Qualifications And Experience</u></strong><p><br></p>Advanced university degree in Development, Law, Human rights, Gender, Public health, Management, or related discipline.<p><br></p><strong><u>Knowledge And Experience</u></strong><p><br></p><ul><li> Minimum of 7 years of work experience in Field experience in humanitarian or development settings in PSEA</li><li>Understanding of the international development and humanitarian architecture</li><li>Understanding and experience in protection/ GBV desirable </li><li>Familiarity with the UN system and global coordination structures (e.g. IASC)</li><li>Proven ability to develop and/or implement an Action Plan/Strategy</li><li>Experience in developing and facilitating training and capacity-building activities is an advantage</li><li>Familiarity with data protection and confidentiality measures is an advantage</li></ul><p><br></p><strong><u>Languages</u></strong><p><br></p>Fluency in English; Arabic is a strong asset and knowledge of other official UN languages, preferably French is desirable.<p><br></p><strong><u>Values</u></strong><p><br></p><strong> Required Competencies: </strong><p><br></p>Exemplifying integrity,<p><br></p>Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system,<p><br></p>Embracing cultural diversity,<p><br></p>Embracing change<p><br></p><strong><u>Core Competencies</u></strong><p><br></p>Achieving results,<p><br></p>Being accountable,<p><br></p>Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen,<p><br></p>Thinking analytically and strategically,<p><br></p>Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships,<p><br></p>Communicating for impact Ability to interact in a safe and sensitive manner with victims/survivors<p><br></p>Ability to work in a stressful environment<p><br></p>Ability to delegate<p><br></p><strong><u>Functional Competencies</u></strong><p><br></p>Coordination (experience in an inter-agency coordination role is an advantage)<p><br></p>Professionalism (provenintegrity, objectivity, and professional competence)<p><br></p>Communication, facilitation, and inter-personal skills<p><br></p>Ability to work with different stakeholders and build consensus<p><br></p>Advocacy across a wide variety of actors<p><br></p>Leadership (ability to lead a technical network)<p><br></p>Leveraging (ability to engage at senior leadership level and secure buy-in)<p><br></p>Problem-solving (abilityt o know what needs to be done and identify the resources to do it)<p><br></p><strong><u>Compensation And Benefits</u></strong><p><br></p>This position offers an attractive remuneration package including a competitive net salary plus health insurance and other benefits as applicable.<p><br></p><strong><u>Disclaimer</u></strong><p><br></p>UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA fraud hotline<p><br></p>In accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, persons applying to posts in the international Professional category, who hold permanent resident status in a country other than their country of nationality, may be required to renounce such status upon their appointment.