Civil Protection Expert

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<p>The Business Egypt Program is a five-year, USAID-funded program implemented by DAI.&nbsp;Business Egypt aims to substantially increase sales revenues and investments among Egyptian micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises and, by so doing, create new job opportunities, especially for women and youth. The project will co-invest with an ecosystem of institutions—business service providers, business associations, supportive government institutions, and more—to offer new products and services enabling MSMEs to better meet market demand and increase their sales. Business Egypt’s proposed value chains are—renewable energy, processed fruits and vegetables, information technology services, ready-made garments, and automotive supply. The project will operate from offices in Cairo, Alexandria, and Assiut. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In Implement, a streamlined business operation license approval process; activity 3.2.1; BE counterpart for this task is The Industrial Development Authority; the competent authority for issuing industrial licenses according to law number 15 for 2017. The Law explicitly provides that no approvals or licenses shall be required from any other authority, and categorizes industrial facilities into low risk and high risk. </p><p>Accordingly, BE cooperates with IDA to simplify and reengineer the licensing processes; starting with prerequisites till the issuance of the license; automating the process internally, and then developing an information portal for one-stop-shop (OSS) </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>A.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;POSITION DESCRIPTION</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This assignment will support the Business Egypt project to assist business associations to provide evidence-based input into the reform process and support GOE entities to implement reforms. This will result in regulatory reforms, institutionalized new public-private partnerships, and increased investment opportunities by developing civil protection prerequisites and inspection mechanisms for the industrial sector in Egypt. </p><p>The consultant is going to assist the compliance of the civil protection legal frame work and its implemented procedures; as to identify bottlenecks, according to which he/she in cooperation with IDA staff and BE is supposed to:</p><p>&nbsp;1)Reengineer and simplify the procedures and prerequisites to start a business, inspection; approvals, rejections, follow up, sanctions and closing businesses, and any other related activities that may arose, taking into account the risk level of the industry and the size of business.</p><p>2) Develop standard operation manual for the pre-mentioned activities. </p><p>&nbsp;3)Assist in automation and online OSS for the pre-mentioned activities. </p><p>The consultant is expected to work with relative private sector entities and government authorities to identify bottlenecks in the sector that are hindering the growth; Moreover, indicate the business opportunities that are going to be available based on the changes identified in procedures to ensure the following: </p><p>§&nbsp;Better business environment for the sector is developed to promote private sector engagement. </p><p>§&nbsp;Expanded and maximized business opportunities will exist. </p><p>§&nbsp;Training and building capacity of both private sector and IDA team to acquire; implement; grant civil protection license</p><p>§&nbsp;Identify methodology for civil protection approvals implantation and inspection.</p><p>B.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>&nbsp;</p><span>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In coordination with the task manager and other STTAs involved, develop a Sow operational work plan with detailed milestones &amp; deliverables of the activities and prerequisites to start the Sow. Activities include but not limited to: inspection; approvals, rejections, follow up, sanctions and closing businesses, and any other related activities that may arose, taking into account the risk level of the industry and the size of businesses. </span><span>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bi-weekly updates on work performed submitted to the task manager. </span><p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Assess the current statuesque of the pre mentioned activities.</p><p>4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Identify the related international benchmark for updated codes of civil protection to promote the industry sector.</p><p>5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Review the current industrial activities classification and map it to the size of businesses and geographical allocations in accordance with the industry risk levels as well. &nbsp;</p><p>6.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Identify the essential and non-essential prerequisites; major risks and other related documents as to accelerate the inspection processes; according to law 15 for 2017 the IDA employee can grant the industrial license if the entities satisfy the essential prerequisites.</p><p>7.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Identify the current bottlenecks and propose simplified solutions in the civil protection prementioned activities in different aspects including technical, legal, funding, etc. </p><span>8.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Verify the proposed solutions by conducting a desk review on the new trends for civil protection prerequisites according to the international best practices for safety and ease of issuing industrial licenses for industrial entities that could solve the bottlenecks identified above.</span><p>9.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Conduct a re-engineering and simplification of processes and develop an action plan for implementation. </p><p>10.&nbsp;&nbsp;Ensure simplifying the requirements and regulations of having the initial fire protection approval along with the construction permit before the operating license to enabling a better business environment, taking into consideration the industrial land allocation processes. </p><p>11.&nbsp;&nbsp;Work with the business Egypt team, IDA team, competent authorities and other assigned consultants to identify resources needed for the activation and implementation of the developed action plan for civil protection approvals and inspection processes and other prementioned activities.</p><p>12.&nbsp;&nbsp;Simplify all business processes for the prementioned activities to simplify licensing processes related through drafting a procedural manual. </p><p>13.&nbsp;&nbsp;Provide standard operation manual “SOP” that comply with the findings above to ease doing businesses for both the investor and IDA employees taking into consideration MSMEs.</p><p>14.&nbsp;&nbsp;Conduct in-depth interviews with businesses, and public-private dialogue “PPD” sessions with different stakeholders’ teams to review the proposed civil protection prerequisites as deemed necessary.&nbsp;</p><p>15.&nbsp;&nbsp;Develop a checklist for inspection; which both IDA employees and civil protection servants comply with the simplified assigned prerequisites while inspection to assure that all safety measurements are in place taking into account the business sizes. &nbsp;</p><p>16.&nbsp;&nbsp;Develop a comprehensive framework for the civil protection department in IDA; identifying the role; manpower and requested equipment in light of the simplified procedures proposed. </p><p>17.&nbsp;&nbsp;Support IDA to increase the efficacy of the civil protection department throughout the implementation processes. </p><p>18.&nbsp;&nbsp;Train IDA team in civil protection department on implementation of the SOP and development or amendments checklist; and any other related documents. </p><p>19.&nbsp;&nbsp;Assist while developing the online OSS, to draft the automation procedures for the service and&nbsp;unit correspondences internally with IDA teams and externally for all the industrial investors including MSMEs. </p><p>20.&nbsp;&nbsp;Deliver an end-of-assignment report describing the methodology, observations, findings, conclusions, and resultant recommendations, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from this assignment.&nbsp;This will be presented to the senior management teams of USAID, Business Egypt, and key government entities. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>C.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QUALIFICATIONS </p><p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Experience in related fields such as civil protection, Engineering, Firefighting in industrial sector, civil protection coding or any other related fields, a Master’s degree is preferred. </p><p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Min. of 10 years of experience in civil protection prerequisites and coding development. </p><p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Experience in consulting and corresponding with government officials and industry representatives on procedures simplification and reengineering, including an explanation of technical details on complex issues. </p><p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Experience preparing evidence-based procedure simplification materials, and operation manuals and implementing advocacy campaigns. </p><p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Experience working in a multicultural environment and strong negotiation skills.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reengineering; development implementation of civil protection coding experience is highly desired.</p>