COBA – Adjunct Faculty – Management

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Job Description

The College of Business Administration in the American University in the Emirates invites Ph.D. holder applicants for Part-Time faculty (Associate Professor and Assistant Professor).<br><br>The College of Business Administration is accredited by <strong>AACSB.<br><br></strong>The faculty required will be teaching in one or more of the below Specializations:<br><br><strong>College of Business Administration<br></strong><ul><li>Management<br><br></li></ul><strong>Academic Year: 2023-2024<br><br></strong><strong>Instruction Language:</strong> English<br><br><strong>Teaching Load: 6 credit hours per academic semester<br><br></strong><strong>Job purpose<br><br></strong>Responsible to provide students with professional expertise in teaching, assessing student work, academic advising, participating in administrative and committee activities, professional service, and community service.<br><br><strong>Qualifications &amp; Education<br></strong><ul><li>Ph.D. in the field of Management from an accredited university in the United States of America or a recognized University accredited by an American Accreditation body</li><li>Applicant must have completed a Philosophy Doctorate (Ph.D.) by the time of recruitment from an internationally accredited university.</li><li>18 credit hours of graduate studies in the required field. </li><li> A minimum of three articles indexed in Scopus listed journals or five articles in peer-reviewed journals in the past five years”. <br><br></li></ul><strong>Experience<br></strong><ul><li>Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years of teaching /working experience in an internationally accredited university.</li><li>Proven record of excellence at baccalaureate and graduate program level teaching<br><br></li></ul><strong>Skills / Training / Knowledge<br></strong><ul><li>Curricular development and review.</li><li>Record of professional accomplishment including peer-reviewed publications</li><li>Continued research program and interest in collaboration with another faculty. </li><li>Ability to integrate web-based and/or digital technology in the classroom.</li><li>Willingness to provide service to the University and the College.</li><li>Excellent English Proficiency and Communication skills for Faculty teaching in English</li><li>Excellent Arabic Proficiency and Communication skills for faculty teaching in Arabic<br><br></li></ul><strong>Responsibilities:<br></strong><ul><li> Instructional Delivery (Teaching Performance) </li><li>Present research and practice driven teaching and</li><li>adapt to latest pedagogical techniques that stimulate students to inquiry and to encompass a broad and coherent body of knowledge, attaining the skills and competencies through engaging delivery techniques and development of appropriate assessments</li><li> Instructional Management<br><br></li></ul>Effectively manage the instructional processes<br><ul><li> Assessment and Evaluation </li><li>Evaluating students’ performance and grading</li><li>Provide clear assessment criteria that reflect course content and its learning outcomes</li><li>Set expectations to students and avoid cognitive biasness</li><li> Curriculum Development and Review<br><br></li></ul>Contributes to regular curriculum reviewing and improving the existing curriculum for quality and effectiveness <ul><li>For quality:</li><ul><li>Currency and relevancy of the theories and practice in the field</li><li>Intellectual rigor appropriate to the level of the degree program</li></ul><li>For Effectiveness</li><ul><li>Increasingly complex presentation of theories, principles, and practice</li><li>Increasingly complex levels of analysis and development of competencies</li><li>Application of theories and principles.</li><li> Professional Development<br><br></li></ul>Acquire latest academic techniques, discipline and professional certification, technology related development, and leadership development through attending in-campus and out-campus workshops, seminars and training<br><br><strong>LOCATION:<br><br></strong>American University in the Emirates – Dubai International Academic City – Dubai – United Arab Emirates.</ul>